Definitely one of the most beautiful English language schools in Malta.
About the English school »Want to improve your English email writing skills? If so, you've come to the right place because we'll teach you how to write English emails that are both more formal and persuasive. Finally, you'll find a sample email that you can use to put the theoretical justifications into practice, along with a typical structure for an English email.
To effectively engage the reader and get your point across, you must write an email in clear, well-structured English. The following is the typical format for an English email.
You will find phrases to assist you in writing a better English e-mail for each point of the ideal English e-mail structure. Start writing professional English e-mails in English using these phrases.
The email's purpose is briefly and succinctly stated in the subject line. Every email should contain it; otherwise, it might be considered spam, overlooked, or unimportant by the recipient. An effective English email subject line condenses the message's content into a few words. Here are a few good English subject line examples.
When addressing someone in an email, it's critical to select the appropriate tenor and degree of formality depending on the situation and your relationship with the recipient.
It is preferable to use a more formal salutation in a formal setting, whereas an informal salutation may be more appropriate in a casual or personal one. The degree and length of your relationship with the recipient of your email will also determine whether you use a formal or informal salutation in your English email.
In your English email, use the following words and phrases:
Formelle Anreden:
| Formelle Anreden:
Brief introduction before moving on to the email's main subject. The remainder of your email should be clear to the reader right away. Use the following phrasing techniques and keep the introduction brief:
The goal of the email should be stated succinctly and clearly, along with any requirements, questions, or specifics. Here are some words to use in common professional scenarios:
Presentation of information:
Request confirmation or feedback:
Request action:
Transition to another topic:
Your English email should end with a salutation, a final word of goodbye, and your signature below it. This will enable you to write your email's conclusion in English:
Positive closing statements:
| Formal closing statements:
Signature: First and last name, contact details (phone, email), presence in social media channels, company name and other information.
Subject: Request for Meeting to Discuss Project Proposal
Dear Jake,
I hope this email finds you in good health. I'm writing to ask for a meeting so we can talk about a project proposal I think your business would be interested in.
As you are aware, our business has a track record of successfully completing projects, and I am confident that your team would benefit greatly from our knowledge and experience. I'd like the chance to go over this proposal with you in more detail and respond to any queries you might have.
I'd be happy to set up a meeting for you if you're free the following week. If this is feasible, please let me know what days work best for you.
Thank you for considering this proposal, and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss it further.
Best regards,
Learn English together with us. We will help you improve your English writing skills.
Definitely one of the most beautiful English language schools in Malta.
About the English school »English courses for adults (Business English also available).
About English courses »Supervised English programme for kids between the ages of 14 and 21.
English classes for kids »